Feedbacks (publications) about the biological product Devoroil
In Open Society " Privolzhsknefteprovod " the method biorecultivation the petropolluted grounds for the first time is applied.
New for Privolzhsk workers the way of recultivation allows to minimize damage to an environment from possible outflow of oil. In a basis of biorecultivation the polluted oil of the ground application complex processings of ground by a preparation "Devouroil", mineral fertilizers and the subsequent crop on the processed areas of long-term grasses lays. In 2007, according to the Program of ecological safety of Open Society "Privolzhsknefteprovod", biorecultivation for the first time it has been applied on the grounds polluted by oil by the area of 4,4 hectares. In May the ground has been processed by a solution "Devouroil", then watered by ammoniac saltpeter and superphosphate. In June-July the ground was as is processed again. In August on the processed ground sowed Lucerne, porridge.
Hong KongPolytechnicUniversity
The tests were conducted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in the Water and Waste Laboratory. Here are the certificates in English and Chinese for your reference. DEVOROIL treatment hit an impressive 71% oil degradation in only 4 weeks!!! The original rate of pollution was intentionally set at the highest level ever known up till now: 50% crude oil in the soil. This test simulated - and actually emphasized - the extreme situations occurring after major oil spills. After the latest European major spills, Erika or Prestige, the use of classical chemicals took up to 7 years to get the result DEVOROIL obtained in 4 weeks only. DEVOROIL has proved again to be the most efficient natural agent for hydrocarbons bioremediation on the market.
Laboratory in charge Water and Waste Laboratory Department of Civil and Structural Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Fax: (852) 2334-6389Tel: (852) 2766-6075 E-mail: 18 January 2008
Professor XU You Lin
Fax: (852) 2334-6389 Tel: (852) 2766-6075
Department of analytical researches TOO “KazNIGRI”
Atirau city, Birlik settlement, Geologopoiskovaya str., 8.
Certificate of registration, Registered in State anagraph GSTR RK at December 30, 2005. № KZ 7100000.06.09.00805
Customer: TOO “Trans-Biznes” Ungaliev Malik Temirtasovich +7 (7122) 20-38-94; +7 701-511-17-89; Name of sample: soil (Beinau city) Date of work: Beginning-10.04.07. Finishing - 10.05.07.
Result of test
Unit measure
Standarts of limits, method for determination
Oil products (10.04.07)
78 425
IR - spectrometry
Oil products (20.04.07)
28 225
IR - spectrometry
Oil products (30.04.07)
6 012
IR – spectrometry
Oil products (10.05.07)
IR - spectrometry
Disruptive activity of Devoroil – 99%
Head of ecological laboratory N.G. Zheltonozhko
Public office “Technologii po ochistke gruntov” makes biological cleaning of oil polluted soil. We do it since 1995. We clean 10000 tones of soil polluted by diesel oil, crude oil, masut, machine oil and other products of petroleum refining.
Biotechnology of cleaning with optimal temperature provides using of preparation, feeding components, periodic cultivation, keeping of optimal dampness. On the basis of long time experience of cleaning by Devoroil, we can state that Devoroil is high-performance destructor of broad-spectrum oil pollutions. Devoroil does not have deleterious effect.
In our opinion, LLC “Microbic technologies” creating Devoroil made a grate contribution in cleaning of oil pollutions and development of ecology.
Head of fabrication Mechislovas Kmita
We've been cleaning water from a waste oil products sump. The basic suspension of Devoroil preparation was prepared according to the instruction. Ready suspension was sprayed on the sewage surface. Before cleaning, the water is of black color, it has weighed substances in its structure, the surface is covered by an oil film. The content of oil products is 21,45 mg/l. After cleaning water got transparent, the black and light brown flocculent sediment formed at the bottom. The content of oil products is 0,97 mg/l.
The chief of the industrial ecology service S.F.Shpanov
Southern thermal power station of the joint-stock company "Lenenergo"
After single processing about 60 square meters of the 20 mm black oil film on water surface by the water suspension of the Devoroil biological preparation in three weeks the black oil film has completely disappeared, and the water table became almost totally clean. The environment temperature thus varied within 15 - 27°C. We think that alongside with mechanical means of cleaning the water surface from black oil, it's effectively to use microbiological method too.
The chief of the Southern thermal power station OOOC Karetnikova T.S.
Environment preservation scientific - industrial center (Yaroslavl city)
We inform you of the results on cleaning petropolluted soil by the Devoroil biological product on the territory of Ivanovo station Locomotive depot.
About 1000 cubic meters of the petropolluted soil was a subject to cleaning. One of the three planned processing stages was conducted. The analyses results testify that even a single application of the Devoroil preparation provided reduction of the aliphatic, aromatic hydrocarbons and light tars respectively by 33,26 and 63 %.
The total contents of oil products in a 0 - 30 sm layer decreased by 10 %, and in the top 0 - 10 sm layer by 40 %. The next processing we'll conduct in summer.
The chief Rjazanova A.M.
Southern - Ural Railway (Wildlife management department)
During the spring - summer 2005 in the petropolluted territories of 10 locomotive and 6 wagon depots of the South-Ural railway - owned by the Open Society "RJD"subsidiary, cleaning works on petropolluted soils were conducted using the biological product Devoroil.
The subject to processing was 2 thousand tons of polluted soil from the 5 thousand sq. m. area. The initial content of the oil products was 20 - 40 g/kg. The number of cleanings with use of mineral fertilizers was 1 - 2 depending on local conditions. The results of soils cleaning at the enterprises where cleaning is finished averaged between 60 - 80 %. The highest effect was achieved at second processing.
The South-Ural railway is going to continue with the use of the specified preparation.
The department chief T.A.Mestechkina
Brest branch of the Belarusian Railway:
As a result of reclamation Biopreparations "Devoroyl" when the oil content of the soil at a depth of up to 60 cm reduction of petroleum products reached 96.5%. The soil to be used in construction, with podsypke roads and flower for the breakdown.
"Magnesite" Combine Open Society
Cleaning of sumps at mine, sludge ponds and residue settling pits cleaning constructions at the black oil pump station #1 (gas workshop) was conducted. In the same workshop the Devoroil preparation approbation was made on a oil products sludge pond. The first positive results are achieved, this work will be continued. A greater work is done on the sludge pond site and the drain channel of magnesia products DPO workshop #1. - the combine website
Tests were made in April, May 2002 in a laboratory of oil microbiology of the microbiology Institute at the Russian Academy of Science. The soil for the tests was taken from an oil overflow place in Saratov city. The pollution degree is 157 g/kg. Age of pollution is 8 months.
Before the tests the soil was carefully mixed, all foreign particles were removed. Soil ditches (600) have been processed twice (in two weeks) by the preparations and isolates of petrooxidizing microorganisms under the following scheme:
1. The control (unprocessed by the biological products soil)
2. The Destroil preparation
3. The Devoroil preparation
4. The Roder preparation
5. The isolate 1-8 (exc. in 2001 Chelyabinsk city)
6. The Olevorin preparation
7. The isolate 2-18 (exc. in 2002 Saratov city on an overflow place)
Before processing by the biological products fertilizers (nitrophoska) were added, the soil was regularly humidified and stirred. The contents of the oil products were determined on concentration meter KN-2 (by the method of infra-red spectroscopy). The test results are in the below table.
The biological products and isolates of native oil cultures-destructors efficiency, 2002.
The initial content of oil, g/kg
The content of oil in 30 days, g/kg
Destructive activity, %
The control (unprocessed by the biological products soil)
The Destroil preparation
The Devoroil preparation
The Roder preparation
The isolate 1-8 (exc. in 2001 Chelyabinsk city)
The Olevorin preparation
The isolate 2-18 (exc. in 2002 Saratov city on an overflow place)
Within 30 days under the biological preparations influence from 24,8 to 76,3 % of oil products decayed. From the isolates a little bit more active was isolate 2-18, excreted in 2002 in Saratov city on an overflow place; under its influence 45,9 % of hydrocarbons decayed.
We are sending you an extract from the laboratory researches report on the petrooxidizing microorganisms preparations.
DEVOROIL has shown one of the best results. The preparation action was so effective, that the result could be observed even visually. We hope for the further cooperation.
Deputy Director on science S.S.Belyaev

On August, 19th, 2005 in Oktabrskoe village in the result of not authorized cutting in the Orenburg - Salavat - Ufa (77 km) condensate line there was an emergency emission of gas condensate. About 145 m3 of gas condensate has been thrown out to the atmosphere. The major part of the pollution got into Gumbet river. The adjoining territory - inundated meadows undergone the pollution, the pollution has extended to more than 5 km.
Due to the operative actions of the Orenburg militarized unit of the "Orenburggazprom" Open Company and the experts from UESP "Orenburggazprom" Open Company the condensate outflow has been eliminated and were quickly undertaken the prime actions on localization and collecting of the condensate.
The experts of the "Orenburggazprom" Open Company, UESPand the scientific and technological centre "Prombezopasnost-Orenburg" accepted a decision to use the biological method of additional cleaning of the polluted remote territory.
For the best results special actions have been taken: the natural microflora was preliminary activated by entering humin substances and massive stage-by-stage processing of the polluted territory by the activated biological product Devoroil.
The biological product was preliminary activated by continuous aeration in the water environment at presence of biogenic additives for restoration of the microorganisms’ activity.
4 processing stages were conducted each with 6-10 days break. For acceleration of the condensate pollution oxidation process the doze of the preparation and biogenic additives has been increased in 2,5 times.
Results of visual inspection of the territory showed that in 4 days there appeared the attributes of active destruction of the condensate film. In 12-16 days the condensate film was almost completely destroyed. Active growth of seaweed was marked at the former polluted territory.
The chemical-analytical control has shown that reduction efficiency of oil products dissolved in water has exceeded 90 %.
Now we keep working with the additional cleaning of the territory.
Nerungrinskaya hydroelectric power station
For protection of water pool on Nerungrinskaya hydroelectric power station are annually carried out more than 10 various actions. One of the most significant application of biological product Devouroil was for clearing a water basin from masut dissolved in thickness of water. The preparation is culture of alive microorganisms which basis of feed is masut.
The preparation has been entered into hydrosystem of Nerungrinskaya hydroelectric power station in 2002, as a result in 2003 was not observed excess of maximum concentration limit on black oil in hydrosystem, water objects of area did not become soiled. Application of a preparation is coordinated with sanitary epidemiological service as it does not render harmful influence on alive organisms.
E.Fabrikova, head of PTO of Nerungrinskaya hydroelectric power
Biological recycling of petrocontaining waste in the «Moscow NPZ» Open Society
The recycling technology of oil slimes is carried out at the factory as follows. The oil slime is taken to a specially equipped slime detoxification site of 0,8 hectares. The site is diked and in the has a waterproof layer in the basement to prevent the filtrate migration which contains dissolved oil products, to water bearing horizons of spreading soils. Each site map receives structurator-ameliorant sawdust and evenly distributed on the surface with the layer of 15-20 sm. Then the delivered oil slime is mixed up with the stucturator. The general height of the prepared layer does not exceed 0,4 m.
During the process of maps formation the oil slime is processed with the biological product Devoroil and the received substratum is carefully stired. For microorganisms' better oxidizing ability mineral fertilizers (diammophos) are also brought into the maps.
The slime is periodically humidified (2 times a week, or more often) and 2 times a week it's stirred for better aeration conditions for the microorganisms.
Time slime detoxification time takes 2 months.
For the time of the oil slimes recycling technology use the factory carried out detoxification of about 3500 m3 of oil slime. The new product of the factory is applied basically for building lawns on its territory, and also for leveling roughness, for beautiful landscapes. - MNPZ website

Comparative characteristics of biological products
LLC Microbic Technologies
Closed Company Biotech-Japan
Berdsk preparation factory
LLC Salut-Technologies-West
LLC Bigor
Structure of a preparation
Use form
Titre (kg/gr)
10 exp 8
10 exp 8
10 exp 8
10 exp 7
10 exp 8
Ability to work in thickness of mineral oil
Ability to oxidize heavy mineral oil
Ability to work at pollution >10%
(% NaCI)
3 - 8 %
< 3 %
Temperature interval of work С
5 - 45
5 - 40
5 - 40
5 - 40
5 - 40
Quantity of a preparation (kg) for degradation of 1t of oil
100 - 200
20 - 45
166 liters
INMI RAN Professor I. Borzenkov Ltd. "Microbial Technology" Professor M. Pospelov