21.11.2007 TASS Medical Information Agency


Impurity of water area of Kerch strait decreases - Federal Hydrometereology and Environmental Monitoring Service

Moscow, November, 21st -  Experts of Federal Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Service mark essential reduction of a degree of impurity of water area of Kerch strait. It was informed by Federal service on hydrometeorology and monitoring of an environment today.

According to the chemical analysis of tests of the sea water taken on November, 19th, concentration of oil in waters of Kerch strait and Black sea has essentially decreased. It is connected with change of a direction of undercurrents and a wind.

Federal Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Service predicts preservation of current from the north on the south in Kerch strait within November, 21-22nd and near to the Russian part of southern coast of sea of Azov - weak current from northeast and the east. Change of a direction of current on opposite (from Black sea in Azov) is expected on November, 23rd.

" Such situation favours to the further reduction of a degree of impurity of Kerch strait and a southeast part of sea of Azov, but the possibility of increase in impurity in area of Anapa is kept, - the interlocutor of journalists has informed.

Michael Pospelov is the main expert who works at Open Company «Microbic technologies» which works on the base of Institute of microbiology of Russian Academy of Science has noted that sea water at coast of the only children's sea resort in Russia specializing on treatment of diseases of lungs should be completely cleared by a summer season and will not represent danger for having a rest.

As he said, scientists of Russian Academy of Science plan to start "thin clearing" of zones of Kerch strait in the spring by means of petro oxidizing biological products basically by domestic production.

Tigran Mikoyan, the general director of the company «City Story» which produces microbiological preparation «Devoroil» developed by Institute of microbiology and patented in Russia said that such technology of clearing is completely safe for people, phytoplankton and fishes and can borrow from 1 till 2 months.

«As soon as the film of oil from a surface of water will be cleaned, intensive process of restoration of an environment will begin» - Pospelov has told. - And terms of restoration of plankton and a fish population depend on most ecosystem and on that, how quickly we shall interfere with a situation, transfers ITAR - TASS.
