The French consider as necessory the Russian invention in oil spill fighting
Unique bio weapon in oil spill fighting was developed by Russian scientists and is making only in Russia has passed the tests with triumph in France.ITAR-TASS informed in innovation center of “Microbe technology”which works on the base of the Institute of Microbiology of Russian Academy of science.According to Mihail POSPELOV’s words,the main specialist of the project,the partners of which also take part in solving the problem of biological cleaning of Kerchenskiy channel,”there has just come official results of tests of preparation “DEVOROIL”,which was put into practice on the range of the firm”3L INGNIERIE ET FRANCE”,first-rate ecological technologies transferor in oil &gas sector.
As said TIGRAN MIKOYAN, the general director of the company “SITI STROI” which produces the preparation in common with the “Microbe technology” the tests took place in CENT-MAKSANT-LEKOL, FRANCE.According to his words,”samples of soil with high,12% of maintenance of oil were treated by our preparation maintaining the combination of oiloxidizing bacteriums.Within 27 days there were cultivated three kinds of salads on this soil.These plants keenly react of being carbohydrates and increasing maintenance of nitrates &nitrites.”
Analyses have shown full decontamination of soil & high quality of cultivating salad which was eaten with appetite by examiners.”French specialists,-remarked Mr. Mikoyan,-were surprised by the results of the tests because their today technologies give the opportunity to have a such level of biological reclaiming from oil pollution only for 1,5-2 years at expenses about 700 evro per m3.This is in 10-12 times more than the Russian preparation need.”
According to Mr. POSPELOV’s words “today,only the Russian preparation is able to destroy all 5 fractions of oil including the most serious kinds such as asphaltene& bitominous.After processing of toxic wastes we have natural fertilizer-quick decomposing protein & also useful for the plants carbonic acid. «That is why there are preliminary talks about using “Devoroil”for polishing of the zone of Kerchenskiy channel.Mr.MIKOYAN added that within 2 weeks after the end of tests they got the business offer of long-term team-work in sphere of cleaning polluted soils in French market.The oil&gas companies such as “GAS de FRANCE” &”TOTAL” will be the customers .